Integrative Practice Framework

Our framework has been developed over many years of practical experience and evidence based research.  It draws from internationally regarded, contemporary, therapeutic models of care.

Download a copy of the Safe Places Integrative Practice Framework


Through building attachments with safe adults, children can learn to trust, feel safe, develop relationships, overcome obstacles and solve problems.


We support recovery from trauma. Trauma can compromise the development of relationships, thinking, memory, self-worth, health, and a sense of meaning and purpose in life.


Children in care usually require additional support and nurturing-replacement experiences to develop, function and meet normal social expectations.


We encourage each child to form and maintain ongoing connections to in the community, including where possible their own family.

Structure of the Home

Significant time and resources are always invested into ensuring that the physical setting is well-maintained, and communicates to the child that they are cared about. 


We involve all levels of staff in decision-making processes, management reflect the same values as front line care workers.